Resin supports Sun's JSP 1.2 specification. JSP creates an HTML page from HTML template text and scripting actions. Resin supports Java and JavaScript as scripting languages for JSP pages.
JSP supports an equivalent XML syntax. The XML has the benefit of consistency with the price of some extra verbosity.
Actions are the core of JSP. Actions range from printing the a script expression, to creating and storing a Java Bean.
Resin encourages the creation of custom tag libraries. Using XSL, you can create meaningful tags for your web pages: ct:shopping-cart-summary, ct:example, ct:sql-query.
Directives control the processing of an entire page. Directive examples include setting a scripting language, setting an error page, including other documents, and setting a character encoding.
JSP makes implicit variables available to the script. Scripts can use request, response, session, and application variables.
Applications join JSP pages, script libraries and Java beans into a self-contained web application. Applications are controlled by the configuration file.